Row houses Vējziedi

When last December Latvia's ex-prime minister Valdis Dombrovskis resigned (arguing it with Zolitūde tragedy), everyone was surprised. Even politicians in Europe asked what's the real reason behind the demission of so respected prime minister. Now a local news portal has probably brought it up - a shady deals with prime minister's family enterprise loan. Dombrovskis family enterprise back in 2006 took the loan to build this row house project in Dreiliņi suburb of Riga. Due to economic crashdown the project wasn't succesful but the government (possibly) helped Dombrovskis enterprise to escape bankruptcy by assigning the loan from state-owned bank to private Rietumu bank, with supposedly large discount (which is made secret). State losses could be around 500 000 EUR due to this, calculates [full_width]
Row houses Vējziedi
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Thursday, May 22, 2014
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