Kaleju street 23. One of the earliest Art Nouveau buildings in Riga (1903, architect Paul Mandelstamm), Old Town. Colorful and free-spirited building which can seem weird at first but after a while it appears as beautiful and lovable. As you see, there are plenty of flora motifs, as characteristic to Art Nouveau, and also a ring motif (the sun) - interesting that here it is on the 2nd floor level while usually these ring shapes in Art Nouveau buildings are to be found around entrance doors. The building has got very careful and well-thought night lighting, that's a rare thing in Riga.
Kalēju iela 23. Viena no Rīgas agrīnajām jūgendstila ēkām (celta 1903. gadā, arhitekts Pauls Mandelštams). Krāsaina un brīvdomīga ēka, kas sākumā var šķist dīvaina un raisīt aizdomas, vai tikai arhitekts nav bijis "zālītes" cienītājs, bet pēc laika jau esi gatavs tajā iemīlēties. Raksturīgi agrajam jūgendstilam, ēkas fasādē redzami daudzi augu motīvi, tāpat saules formā redzams apļa ornaments - tikai neparasti, ka šoreiz tas redzams otrā stāva līmenī, lai arī ierasti rotā jūgendstila namu ieejas durvis.
Kalēju iela 23
Reviewed by
Ikars Kublins
Friday, June 05, 2020
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