Armchair in forest | Klubkrēsls mežā

It is a problem - where to put your old furniture when you can't sell it. Some people just place it right next to apartment building's garbage containers but some others just throw it out in forest... My wife got scared of this armchair when we walked there - at first moment she thought it's a "grizzly bear" :)

Tā patiešām ir problēma - kur likt nolietotās mēbeles, ja neizdodas tās pārdot? Daži tās novieto pie daudzdzīvokļu ēku atkritumu konteineriem, bet citi vienkārši izmet mežā...

Armchair in forest | Klubkrēsls mežā
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Fantastic the first photo. It is really awesome how you have framed it.