Atrium Azur (initially Galery Azur) is a sad story in the history of Riga supermarkets development. It was opened in 2006 with big ambitions - it's architecture mirrored these pretentions because it was head above the other usual "boxes" of shopping malls. Both inside and outside, Azur wasn't an eyesore, rather contrary. However it's commercial luck was torpeded initially by Riga's Southern highway system construction works, which made the accesibility to shopping centre very difficult, then came the big economic crysis... Also in the latest years Azur somehow didn't managed to flourish and the last nail in it's coffin came with the construction of bigger shopping mall Akropolis right next to it (just other side to railway)... And now the new owners of Akropolis has started to reconstruct it into a construction materials supermarket - in this process, the original design of the building was destroyed (so, these are already historical photos here) and there will be another boring box-type of building instead... Self-respecting city won't let to do that, but sadly the only thing which Riga's political management of last ~10 years has respected, is their own private welfare.
Galerija Azur ir skumjš stāsts Latvijas tirdzniecības centru attīstības vēsturē. Azur tika atvērts 2006. gadā ar lielām pretenzijām - to atspoguļoja arī diezgan ambiciozā arhitektūra, kas bija vismaz galvastiesu pārāka par standarta iepirkšanās centru "kastēm". Tomēr Azur komerciālo veiksmi vispirms torpedēja Dienvidu tilta pievadceļu būvniecība, kas ļoti sarežģīja piekļuvi veikalam, pēc tam sākās globālā ekonomikas krīze... Arī iepriekšējos gados Azur acīmredzot kaut kā neizdevās "uzplaukt" un pēdējo naglu tā zārkā iedzina "Akropoles" megacentra būvniecība turpat otrpus dzelzceļam. Tagad Azur pašreizējie īpašnieki uzsākuši tā pārbūvi par (primāri) būvmateriālu veikalu, taču šajā rekonstrukcijas procesā oriģinālais ēkas dizains ir ticis iznīcināts, un tā vietā tiek celta kārtējā primitīvā kastes veida ēka... Sevi cienoša pilsēta nebūtu ļāvusi tam notikt, diemžēl vienīgais, ko pēdējo desmit gadu Rīgas politiskā vadība ir cienījusi, ir viņu personīgā labklājība.

Former Atrium Azur (Galerija Azur) shopping mall - Mazā Rencēnu iela 1
Reviewed by
Ikars Kublins
Tuesday, December 01, 2015
Good theme day post
ReplyDeleteGood theme day post
ReplyDeleteI love the tree, the colours, the shadows!
ReplyDeleteGreat perspective with the tree, light, and shapes!
ReplyDeleteoh wow, i really love this, all that sunshine!
ReplyDeleteYou have a beautiful shot for today's theme. Lovely!