Latvian soldiers carved in stone

Soldier moldings on Liberty monument depicts Latvian soldiers who fought for Latvia's Independence in 1918-1920 against West Russian Volunteer army led by Bermont Avalov. They were true heroes because fought for their nation and country not somewhere else in the world. Latvians victory over Bermont and at the same time also over Soviet army is the most splendid page in our country's history. It's interesting what journalists have found out - Bermont's army was financed by J.P. Morgan bank who was interested to sustain Tzarist Russia. It was intended that Bermont's army will conquer large territories but they didn't made further than left bank of Riga... [full_width]
Latvian soldiers carved in stone
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Wednesday, January 08, 2014
This is a wonderful photo, with the snow on their hats and shoulders!