
This man who I noticed yesterday, may create an impression that we have some +30 degrees already. Well, it wasn't true in yesterday, when it was some +15, and it isn't true also today, but already closer to the truth - today temperature has reached +20 degrees in Riga (for the first time this year). Btw, this man looks very similar to media star Russell Harris who is known as presenter of Discovery Travel & Living amazing programme "Diceman". [full_width]
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Šis vīrs, tiesa gan, ir redzams arī stipri vēsākā laikā tādā pat izskatā: https://twitter.com/#!/naivists/status/165341908363784193/photo/1
ReplyDeleteThere is one class of people who like to call the attention, here we see one.
Oho, tas ir ko vērts! Paldies par linku, Unknown!