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Ecological catastrophe in Riga

In last days Riga is struggling with one of most devastative ecological catastrophes in recent years and the reason of it was fire in this modern warehouse building. There were some chemicals burning and part of them flooded in near Mārupīte river, thus poisoning it, killing all the fishes, ducks and other animals who lived there. Surveillance cameras have fixed that fire was created by arsonist. I hope the bastard will be catched by the police (currently he isn't). This is not the first fire in Riga's warehouses this year - in last time they happen weirdly often.

This is the same office/warehouse complex from road side. I hope the facade from this side is not touched because it is a nice piece of contemporary architecture, imo.

Ecological catastrophe in Riga Reviewed by Ikars Kublins on Tuesday, July 05, 2011 Rating: 5


  1. I will never understand why people would do such a thing knowing what can happen. It really is a nice building from the front.

  2. Nobody will understand us till we speak the same language :)

  3. Isn't it a bit exaggerated? The last news I read about this subject declared that there are no victims among ducks or mammals.
    The truth is somewhere in between?


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