Daugava excavation

Yesterday saw this ship digging Daugava river bed. I don't know what for that was done but it made me remember about the crazy plans of some local businessmans - "Herson canal" project which proposes to dig Daugava river, elongate it and by digging the canal join Daugava with Dnieper river, thus making sea-lane from Riga to the Black sea.
Vakar redzēju šo kuģi rokam Daugavas gultni. Nezinu, kāpēc tas tika darīts, taču tas man lika atcerēties par dažu vietējo biznesmeņu trakajiem plāniem - Hersona kanāla projektu, kas paredz izrakt Daugavas gultni, pagarināt to un izrokot kanālu, savienot Daugavu ar Dņepru, tādā veidā izveidojot jūrasceļu no Rīgas līdz Melnajai jūrai.
Daugava excavation
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Thursday, May 13, 2010
What a hard work in beautiful sky.
ReplyDeleteMy Bangkok Through My Eyes
Thailand In Photo
I love how the vastness of the river dwarfs the heavy equipment.